Thursday 13 December 2012

Second Time Lucky?

So about a year ago I set this blog up and never really took it anywhere - but this year that will change! Partly because I love the idea of diaries, and partly because I think 2013 actually will be my best year yet, I intend to give this blog another shot.

Exciting things for you to look forwards to are:

52 Films in 53 Weeks  - a review a week of a film I have never seen before. I have a lovefilm account and love it so that should be handy.

12 Knitted Items  -  an item a month, even I should be able to manage that

26 Books in a Year -  a book a fortnight - I have so many this shouldn't be hard.

This isn't just for others to read and enjoy, its also for me to keep a track of my new weight loss program and my new work program that's meant to help me get a job - lets see how that works out.