Thursday 13 December 2012

Second Time Lucky?

So about a year ago I set this blog up and never really took it anywhere - but this year that will change! Partly because I love the idea of diaries, and partly because I think 2013 actually will be my best year yet, I intend to give this blog another shot.

Exciting things for you to look forwards to are:

52 Films in 53 Weeks  - a review a week of a film I have never seen before. I have a lovefilm account and love it so that should be handy.

12 Knitted Items  -  an item a month, even I should be able to manage that

26 Books in a Year -  a book a fortnight - I have so many this shouldn't be hard.

This isn't just for others to read and enjoy, its also for me to keep a track of my new weight loss program and my new work program that's meant to help me get a job - lets see how that works out.

Monday 26 December 2011

First Post

Hello to anyone (or no one!) that is out there reading this. My blog, Unwitting Knitting, is not just about my abortive attempts to *actually* get some items knitted/sewn together, but also a way for me to keep me a track of what I am doing. (It also helps keeping my friends and forum-ites up to date with where I am with life.)

I'm also hoping that if I get into any sticky situations, craft-related or otherwise, can be resolved by handy dandy readers out there in the world.

2012 is a special year for many reasons, so I'm hoping that the blogosphere will help me manage and maintain my social and creative life as I traverse the months. Hope to speak soon!